
A tribute to Joyce Roberts — 5 Comments

  1. Miss Roberts was my Alexander teacher in 1980, when I was with the Cape Town Symphony. She was a wonderful woman and an inspiration to me. I have a few photos of her if you’d like to have them.

  2. Mis Roberts was my teacher from 1963 – 1965. Thanks for the photograph. I remember her so well. She used to have a scrapbook of newspaper cuttings and photographs illustrating how one should or should not stand. These were musicians, sportsmen, tennis players, acrobats etc. . She loved to show me the newspaper cuttings of Bridgitte Bardot! The way she stood, danced, acted and frolicked around Cannes. I was deeply impressed.

    • Thank you very much for the posting, Margaret! I hadn’t realized that you’d written, till updating my site this evening

      It is wonderful to hear how vividly you remember Joyce’s teaching. She really did know how to get her message across. My experience was so similar to yours. I’m intrigued by how clear your memories are.

      By the way, we have Joyce’s scrapbooks in our archives. They are unique!

      Best wishes

      • Mis Roberts means a lot to me. I would like to write about why I was sent to her … and the influence that she had on my life. I am so happy to hear that her scrap book is in your archives!

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