I graduated from the Brighton Alexander Technique Training Centre (UK) in 1995. This required fulfilling the three-year, full-time training standards established by FM Alexander, the creator of this technique. My course directors, John and Lynn Nicholls, were trained by Walter Carrington who worked closely with Alexander for many decades.
Training as a teacher gave me a second chance in life. Undermining habits of tension and self-doubt have been reversed with the help of this profound work. The virtuous circle I experienced as a student and trainee teacher was extraordinary. As my carriage changed, my self-esteem grew. The connection between body and mind is inseparable and a fundamental aspect of this work.
I served for many years on the Council of the South African Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (SASTAT), including chairing the Society for four years. This professional body maintains standards of teaching, provides ongoing education for teachers, and upholds our code of conduct.
I have attended several international Alexander Technique Congresses and seek to deepen my knowledge at every opportunity.
I enjoy helping people get free of pain, stress, and blocks to good performance. My own experience of being helped by the Alexander Technique is a strong motivator. I am on the same road as my pupils, even though I may have been travelling on it a bit longer. The careful and respectful use of touch in Alexander lessons is one of my particular strengths.