Lessons in the fresh air
For more information, contact Ingrid on
Tel/WhatsApp: 083 390 4536
Email: alextechcapetown@proton.me
You are welcome to call me and discuss your situation. Family members or friends sometimes arrange a shared introductory lesson.
To ensure safety, lessons are done with masks on, and with maximum ventilation.
I teach Alexander Technique lessons in Garden Street, Fernwood, Newlands, Cape Town.
“The Alexander Technique teaches you to improve your movement skill in activities such as standing, sitting, walking, running, lifting, playing an instrument, hitting a ball, jumping. It teaches you to reduce unnecessary tension and to move with balance and coordination. More important, by learning how to improve how to use your body, you also learn to improve how to use your mind…This is a method not of self-absorption but of self-understanding; not of treatment and exercise but of skilled, effective bodily control; not of intellectual self-analysis but of experiential learning that teaches us how to identify and release our harmful reactions to pain, fear and anxiety.” (Missy Vineyard, “How you stand, how you move, how you live”, 2007.)